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Yemba is your language and will be the language of your children.
Really! All depends on you.

We developed a wide-range of graphical teaching cards for common Yemba words in the following topics: animals, aliments, tools, objects, environment, human body and civic education. Such cards are powerful pedagogical tools, tuned for children who need to get started in Yemba in their young age. Cards are offered for free with a small charge for material and shipping cost.

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Teach the names of kitchen tools and clothes in Yemba

Teach the names of kitchen tools and clothes in Yemba

Teach the names of domestic and wild animals in Yemba

Teach the names of domestic and wild animals in Yemba

Teach numbers, verbs, and general knowledge in Yemba

Teach numbers, verbs, and general knowledge in Yemba

Teach about elements of the environment in Yemba

Teach about elements of the environment in Yemba

Teach about food - vegetables, fruits in Yemba

Teach about food - vegetables, fruits in Yemba

Teach parts of the human body and health in Yemba

Teach parts of the human body and health in Yemba

Teach the names of diverse objects in an habitat

Teach the names of diverse objects in an habitat
